Core concepts
Sanity is a headless CMS that allows you to create content with a React-based editor. It comes with a real-time collaborative editor, rich-text editing, and asset management.
Configuring Sanity
uses a default Sanity project id and dataset that needs to be changed to the appropriate Sanity project id for your project.
in .env.development
and .env.production
Create a new Sanity Project
Create a temp folder someplace on your hard drive. Using the Sanity CLI you can create a new Sanity project in the temp folder. Make sure it is a "clean" dataset and not one with example data.
npm create sanity@latest
cat sanity.config.ts
Copy the project id and replace it NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
in .env.development
and .env.production
Sanity Studio
Skill Stack Information Architecture in Sanity
Information Architecture for Courses and Educational Products
You should know!
Check out this article Information Architecture for Courses and Educational Products